Hannah D.
Hannah is a kind hearted 9 year old girl who loves BJJ. She has an identical twin sister, Hayley, who also loves this sport. They are both strong resilient little girls who have had to recently endure all of the drama + upset that goes along with parents divorcing (2016). I 'm proud to say that they have remained straight A students who have a passion for knowledge and learning. I should mention that over the summer they initiated getting up 5 days per week at 5 am to do sit ups, pull ups, jumping jacks, push ups, and squats to improve their game. This training has even continued since school started - exercising before school every morning. They also love to talk to anyone and everyone about BJJ - often wearing T-shirts that reflect this sport to school. As of October 1st, they will have exactly 1 year of experience in this martial art. It has truly improved their strength, speed, and endurance as athletes - but also taught them mental toughness and strategy training. My boyfriend, Kenneth, also takes BJJ classes and loves the sport. As the girls have competed in 4 FUJI tournaments over the last year, BJJ has provided an opportunity for all of us to share a common interest and bond. I also feel compelled to mention that they are starting their 3rd year with our local Girlscout Troop and have participated in many community service projects. For example, in early August they helped prepare and serve lunch at the Lighthouse Homeless Shelter. Also, just this week, they organized and participated in a donation drive for Hurricane Harvey victims in TX. I feel that my job, as their mother, is to teach them to be good people who help others. I rely on the knowledgeable instructors at their BJJ Academy, IQ Athletics, to teach them self control and self defense through their BullySafe Program. The girls often talk about earning their Blue Belts as teenagers. I am thankful for this goal oriented behavior. They have also had the opportunities to train with Jeff Westfall of IN and Suzanne Ramsden of AL who are both Black Belts. Both of these instructors have encouraged the girls to continue their practice of this sport and healthy lifestyle. They have said the girls are talented and have potential to reach Black Belt if they practice and put the time in on the mats. It seems we are committed to this journey and way of life. Paying for BJJ is a priority in our household - however, it gets very expensive paying for 2 students. If Hannah is awarded this scholarship it would obviously cut this cost in half - in a sense, helping both girls. Thank You very much for this opportunity and for your consideration.